Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leadership Theory Of The Myers Briggs Test - 1185 Words

Leadership Theory Ugochi I. Onwuegbu Walden University NURS 4020 Section 13, Leadership Theory October 19, 2014 Leadership Theory Paper According to Sullivan (2013), â€Å"leadership is influencing others into working toward accomplishing a common goal† (pg. 42). Certain individuals have natural leadership qualities. Other individuals need to learn leadership skills. It takes a specific personality type to make a leader. The purpose of this paper is to identify my personality type through the Myers-Briggs test, discuss the leadership style of Gandhi and his similarities to my style in relation to nursing. Assessment Inventory The Myers-Briggs test was developed from Carl Jungs theory of â€Å"personality types† by Isabel Briggs Myers and her mother Katherine Briggs (Myers, I. B. 2000, pg 6). In order to determine an individual’s type of personality this test was created with specific questions on how information is processed. This test determines whether and individual directs their energy in an introverted or extroverted way. Briggs-Myers tests our life organization through perception and judging and also how information is processed through our intuition and sensing. This test is said to â€Å"provide a powerful framework for building better relationships, driving positive change, harnessing innovation, and achieving excellence†. (Myers, I. B. 2000, pg 2). Upon taking the test I achieved a high mark for the extrovert measurement. This proposes thatShow MoreRelatedTheories Of Personality And Leadership Assessments Essay1020 Words   |  5 PagesThere are multiple theories of personality and leadership assessments that have proven effective in helping individuals achieve their full career potential. 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