Thursday, May 14, 2020

Water Recycling Reduces Drinking Water Scarcity Essay

Water Recycling A Regional Administrator named Felicia Marcus once stated, â€Å"Water recycling is a critical element for managing our water resources.† Her statement symbolizes modern technological ideals to increase the reuse of water. Also known as water reclamation, water recycling is the process of extracting previously used water and treating it for reuse. Currently, modern technologies have allowed the application of recycled water to enter many different areas. Reclaimed water is cleaned and redistributed for land irrigation, to recharge ground water, for industrial applications (cooling the water for power plants and oil refineries), for toilet water, to irrigate golf courses and to create artificial snow. By utilizing the many†¦show more content†¦Recycled water not only helps decrease human habitat destruction, it also is considered more effective than natural water for agricultural irrigation. At first, farmers were skeptical of using a previously ‘contaminatedâ₠¬â„¢ water to irrigate their food crops. However, when studied in further detail it was determined that reclaimed water actually contributed to plant growth. The added nutrients in the recycled water improve crop quality and development, without polluting the crops themselves. Farmers and others that use recycled water regularly also appreciate the dependability of receiving the reused water. Use of reclaimed water decreases the chance of future drought and insures farmers a more stable source of water than ever before. In contrast, there are also many problems and questions linked to the reuse of water. Economically, the initial installation to supply recycled water to an area can be expensive, and complicated. Separate pipes and specific labeling is required for all reclaimed water distribution. Another concern in using recycled water is its potential health risks. A study done by three Bay Area scientists was conducted to search for Salmonella, Cyclospora and E. Coli 0157:H7 within water after it had been disinfected in the tertiary stage of recycling. Fortunately the scientists did not find any of the three bacteria within the reclaimed water, furtherShow MoreRelatedThe Scarcity of Water Essay966 Words   |  4 PagesThe procurability of potable water per capita is scarce and is currently diminishing worldwide. Scientific surveys estimate that the Earth’s surface is relatively seventy-one percent water and twenty-nine percent land. Unfortunately, a substantial amount of the seventy-one p ercent of water is salty and non-potable. Only about one percent of the available seventy-one percent can only be utilized for human consumption, without requiring initial desalinization. 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