Monday, May 25, 2020

The Theme of Control in Shakespeares Othello Essay

The Theme of Control in Othellonbsp;nbsp; nbsp; Throughout history, powerful empires with boundless control have had a tendency to fall victim to corruption. It is common knowledge, among political scientists and historians, that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. William Shakespeares Othello, the Moor of Venice (reprinted in Laurence Perrine and Thomas R. Arp, Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense, 6th ed. [Fort Worth: Harcourt, 1993] 1060-1147) contains several themes, but one theme in particular supports the truth of this knowledge. In Othello, the Moor of Venice, the theme of control is one that causes corruption. Othellos control is stolen by Iago and, Iagos overbearing control of Othellos†¦show more content†¦Othello speaks of their love in Act I, Scene 3: She loved me for the dangers I had passed, And I loved her that she did pity them (1.3.166-67). Othello believes in his wifes loyalty. All in all, Othello is in complete control at the beginning of the play, but this will change dramatically. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Iago is often regarded as Shakepeares most consummate villain. This is understandable; it is hard to imagine a villain capable of matching the combination of diabolical nature and supreme skill that Iago uses to systematically take control. Iagos first attempt to gain control is a retaliation against Othellos promotional decision. When Michael Cassio is chosen for the position of lieutenant, Iago becomes furious and tries to place Othello in danger; he informs Brabantio of Othellos elopement with Desdemona in a very clever way: Zounds, sir, youre robbed. For shame, put on your gown, Your heart is burst, you have lost half your soul. Even now, now, very now, an old black ram is tupping your white ewe (1.1.86-89). Iago uses sexual imagery to fuel Brabantios anger. This extra anger, caused by Iago, has potential of harming Othello. When this evil scheme fails, Iago results to a new plan. In Act II, Scene 1, Iago convinces Roderigo that Desde mona actually loves Cassio, and persuadesShow MoreRelatedEssay on William Shakespeares Othello574 Words   |  3 PagesWilliam Shakespeares Othello The play Othello was said to have been written in 1603/4, but no one really knows. It was first performed in front of king James I. It was very original because it had a black tragic hero and at that time it was very rare too see a black character let alone a main one. The key themes are the same in most of Shakespeares plays (love, jealousy, appearance and reality, dark and light. The main theme is Othellos jealousy, which results inRead MorePower, Race and Women in Othello by Shakespear and Sax1443 Words   |  6 Pagesstereotypical view of Othello, as a â€Å"Barbary horse,† depicting him as an animalistic outsider. 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